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How to help us 

As a charity, Oxygen Oban relies solely on the goodwill of benefactors, fundraisers, volunteers and its members.


Whether it's a donation or your time, Oxygen Oban is keen for people of all ages to get involved, and help our local charity survive and thrive. Current volunteer vacancies: trustees and oxygen operators.


Watch this space for our Just Giving page & Donation App.


It's a Win, Win

Click on the below Argyll Lottery icon link and nominate us as your chosen charity. You could win a £25,000 Jackpot or a £1000 voucher. Even if you don't win, we will benefit from your nomination. Thank you!


















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Whatever sum of money you are able to donate we will be able to put it to good use for our everyday running costs.


Whether you're a corporate sponsor or individual donating via personal endeavour or sporting event, our 'feel better' motto aligns nicely to everybody. None of us know when we might need some oxygen therapy to recover from illness or injury!  Consider becoming a sponsor by making a regular payment - to find out more contact us.                                                                  

Our story started in the heart of the Oban community over 30 years ago. The dedication of our founders along with generous benefactors and legacies have given us a strong base to build the facility for the next generation in Oban.



Sports Facility

Feel better with Oxygen Oban


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We are seeking volunteers including new trustees to help Oxygen Oban expand its reach wider into the local community. The charity would particularly benefit from volunteers with the techincal ability to become an oxygen operator, contemporary business and networking skills. Whether you're an individual or business happy to lend us your expertise from time to time, we'd be very happy to have you on the volunteer team.


Voluntary skillsets desired:

Marketing & PR - Social Media - HR & People Mgt, Finance & Business strategy, Charity operations Fundraising - Building & Maintenance - Cleaning.

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The sitting room at Oxygen Oban Ltd


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Join our team of voluntary hyperbaric oxygen operators. You'll receive training from operators with decades of experience - they must enjoy it to stay that long! 


There are always two operators to run a chamber session. Oxygen Oban is fully insured. Liking dials, knobs and technical detail is an advantage! Longer term, we are keen to expand the service to evenings and weekends so it's something you can fit into your spare time. 

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Seasoned hyperbaric oxygen operators: Ken Munro & Nicola MacKechnie

oxygen operator
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