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Member reviews

The centre has a friendly vibe with a bright and spacious interior - deceptive from the outside! It always feel clean, cosy, comfy. 


The Manager always makes time to chat or help. The volunteers and operators are all lovely people.


Oxygen therapy was daunting at first but you start to look forward to it once you're used to the mask.

The chamber is quite noisy during pressurisation but that is shortlived.


After oxygen therapy, I feel endorphins as if after exercising. You feel calm and relaxed, sometimes a wee bit sleepy. Probably doing nothing for 1.5 hours helps!

Maria Bell 

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Love to come here for oxygen therapy and to keep in touch. Fantastic operators and friendly professional manager.

Louise Maxwell

I have been an oxygen operator for some time and really enjoy being involved with the Centre - now Oxygen Oban.

Firstly, this is  due to the welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Although it would be wonderful if there was no need for such a facility, there is always an upbeat feeling and many laughs. Furthermore, it is interesting to meet many different people from Oban, the surrounding area, the islands and, before Covid, visitors to the area who were topping up their oxygen. This mix provides lots of entertaining and interesting chat. Again before March 2020 there were also various social activities and several informal coffee mornings in the centre.

Secondly, the information given to me at the beginning was comprehensive and I shadowed an oxygen operator for a couple of sessions. Over and above this, I had very good practical training from one of the most experienced operators. All of this meant that I felt quite confident to tackle the operating myself. The manager is always on hand to answer any queries that may arise.

Thirdly, it is good to be treated as a volunteer and never made to feel guilty when having to call off for some reason. I know that sometimes volunteering can slip into the feeling of being involved in a job but this is never the case at O.O.

Lastly I hoped that I could make a small contribution to the running of the facility.

Kate Whyte

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Nicola is an excellent manager.

Surroundings are well cared for and spotless.


I enjoy being an oxygen operator.

Anne Kunz

From my first phone call with Nicola I started to feel hope in my life again. Nicola made me feel supported and welcome to attend the centre. I had experienced a brain haemorrhage in 2020 which left me with lingering symptoms and ME. I feel extremely grateful to all involved in the running of the centre, especially Nicola and the volunteers. The only relief I've felt from my symptoms came in the month I spent in Oban attending the centre every weekday. I amazingly walked a mile for the first time in 2 years when prior to this I could manage about 200 yards, I was a daily hillwalker before my illness. Thank you OO you are the best!"


Margot MacDonald

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